Back-to-School Survival Guide

As much as some of us choose to still be in denial, school is back and it’s go-time. For most of us, the next 3 or so months are bound to be a fairly drastic change in pace from the 3 months prior and for some, this change may be felt more than others. In this blog there are a few tips on everything you’ll need to know (and do) over the next few weeks to get started off right both in and out of the classroom!

School Comes First!

As much as I’d hate to sound like your parents, it’s undeniable that school comes first – I mean that is what most of us came here for, isn’t it? Getting the semester started off on the right foot in every aspect of your life as a student is an important key to success.  That being said, that brings me to the first tip: it’s important to know when to put school work first. Don’t get me wrong, there will be times where you may have other obligations like family or anything related to your health and school may move down your priority list as a result. Starting your semester off right also means establishing a routine to stay productive. A few good habits to make a part of your routine would be things like checking your Canvas account and school email on a daily basis, keeping a planner or calendar, and staying in contact with your professors through office hours.  Being aware of everything going on in your classes and around the community is extremely important because it allows you to plan out your day to help keep things more organized. One of the common flaws most students have is procrastinating. Staying up-to-date on everything going on helps you stay on track as far as things you may have to do to keep you from doing things last minute, which can be a stressful thing. 

Make Connections.

Additionally, a lot of students overlook the value of going to office hours. Office hours are a valuable tool not only to get help from your professor or TAs, but to also introduce yourself to your professor. Believe it or not, even in your bigger classes where the professor is less likely to learn names, going to office hours can be a valuable tool to help you stand out more to your professor and sometimes that could make the difference between getting an extension on a late assignment and getting points off for having missed a deadline. Along with using office hours for help, classmates are also a valuable tool for success. It’s a good practice to make friends or acquaintances in your classes who you can contact if you ever need to miss a class to get notes from or to even answer any questions on something you may not have understood in class. It’s also important for students to know what kind of resources are available to help them be successful as a college student.

Establish A Social Life!

Beyond being students, finding the perfect balance between work and play is also very important. Another tip for success with the first month of the semester is to establish a social life and establish your social circle. Throughout your time in college, it’s important to be able to kick back and enjoy the experience. Your time as a college student is one you may never be able to get back, so why not make the best of it?! Having a consistent group of friends both in and outside of the classroom can help make your college experience a lot more fun and a little less stressful. Things like getting lunch with friends between classes or tagging along with friends to social events during the weekend are a great way to establish your social life and meet new people.

While being back in school may seem like a scare for most of us, it’s definitely an exciting time to be in Blacksburg! This semester can be as great as you make it, so let’s make every moment of it worth it!

Good luck this semester and Go Hokies!

Bryan Kamenga


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